Thursday, December 27, 2007

Welcome To The Great Hall!

Welcome one and all to the Great Hall, meeting place for the sovereigns, visiers and potentates that represent the Kingdoms of Antiquity. If you wish to take a seat in the Great Hall, simply foward a dispatch to Sir William with your bona-fides requesting inclusion among this Hallowed Company.

Those who do not have a brave courier at hand with a suitable steed may employ that dark art known as e-mail and send it to stating your name, the name of your Kingdom (we'll get to physical locations later), and a link to your own blog (if such already exists). Your particulars will then be added to the links viewable on this site and you may post to introduce yourself to the assembled Host.

Sir William

1 comment:

Bluebear Jeff said...

Sir William,

Please allow me to congratulate you on getting started.

I know that I've had a lot of pleasure from the "Emperor vs Elector" group blog . . . and I hope that this will be equally pleasurable for you.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein