Welcome to the Great Hall of the Hosts, a place for feasting, drinking, wenching, bragging and other diplomatic pursuits relating to the various Kingdoms of Antiquity and their Realms. It is here that we, the Chosen Ones, shall meet to resolve the minor, and not-so-minor, differences that may exist between our respective lands regarding border disputes, commerce, claims to thrones or new lands, and other such petty matters that prevent us from retiring to our thrones and doing what we do best. Namely feasting, fighting, drinking, fighting, wenching, fighting, and bragging about fighting!
Your Hosts in the Great Hall
Your benevolent hosts for this gathering are Sir William the Wordsmith, a veteran warrior of questionable antecedants and renown prowess, along with King Adgarus of the Kingdom of Adessa. We humbly ask only that ye who enter leave your weapons and retainers outside the Great Hall. It is here that we shall repose in comfort, free to express our thoughts and vent our displeasures without thought to recrimination or violence (unless it be by the dreaded Great Hall Guards, The Administrator's!).
Make yourselves free here to express your wants and desires for your Realms, negotiate treaties, engage in commerce, and attempt to resolve disputes that might, at other times, lead to wanton violence and deprevation throughout the Kingdoms of Antiquity.
And a Happy New Year to you and your family
Rob, Sandra and Steven
And a Happy New Year to you and your family
Rob, Sandra and Steven
happy new year to one and all
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